A few helpful hints if you want more of the same:
- Continue to divide the Republican Party with negative ads.
- Divide the independents with constant harping on social issues. Although important, birth control and other such talk is best left to the individual and should not be a part of the general discussion. This is too divisive.
- Ignore the economy.
- Narrow focus to try to find the ‘perfect’ candidate and refuse to back anyone else.
- Try to argue with the Liberals on social issues.
How to help make Obama a one-term President:
- FOCUS on the economy! This is the one area where the Democrats are completely vulnerable. The reason they keep changing the subject is because they know this.
- Explain we cannot continue to spend more than we take in.
- Explain also that when you tax companies that manufacture products, those companies will pass along that tax with higher cost of those products to the consumer. In other words, a tax on businesses is just another tax on citizens.
- Explain how if we have one-half of the population living on the other half, soon the half that pays taxes will start to ask, “Why me? Why should I work hard to support the dead beats?”
- Explain why a bigger government does not benefit the citizens but the politicians.
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