The first Republican Presidential Debate was held in South Carolina earlier this month. The candidates were asked questions by the moderators and responded intelligently, as was to be expected.
For many of us watching the debate, the clear winner was Herman Cain. However, the Main-Stream-Media (MSM) failed to acknowledge this. In fact, Herman Cain is rarely even mentioned as a contender for the White House, let alone a front runner. Conservative online forums are a different story. Those forums always tout Mr. Cain as not only a candidate but an extremely viable candidate. He is gaining in popularity and will make an official announcement regarding his run for the White House on May 21, 2011.
So why does the MSM ignore this strong Republican candidate for the Presidency of the United States? One can only guess but it is probably because they are afraid that Herman Cain can actually beat Barack Obama in the 2012 election.
Instead of putting Mr. Cain’s name in a headline, the MSM continues to run stories about that clown of a candidate, Donald Trump. Fortunately for all of us, “The Donald” announced today that he will not run for President.
Maybe now we can get some serious news stories regarding the VIABLE candidates and what they can offer the country. Oh wait, we are talking about the MSM and they will continue to down play anyone they think can offer up a serious challenge to Obama.
Pay attention, people. You might have to do a bit of your own research to find out what the MSM doesn’t want you to know. And don’t let the media decide for you who will be the Republican candidate in 2012.
~ Patty