President Obama says we need to tax more. I think the government needs to spend less. We are Taxed Enough Already!

- Federal Income tax
- State Income tax
- Local Income tax
- Corporate Income tax
- Social Security tax
- Medicare tax
- Medicaid tax
- Federal Unemployment tax
- State Unemployment tax
- Workers Comp tax
- Sales tax
- Property tax
- Real Estate tax (different from property)
- Vehicle registration tax
- Vehicle sales tax
- Inheritance tax
- Gift tax
- Estate tax
- Capital Gains tax
- Accounts Receivable tax
- Motel/Hotel tax
- Insurance tax
- Telephone tax
- Utilities tax
- Gasoline tax
- Cigarette tax
- Liquor tax
- School tax
- Septic/Sewer tax
- Luxury tax
- Dog license tax
- Fishing/Hunting fees tax
- Marriage license tax
- Building permit tax
- CDL license tax
- Road Usage tax
- Watercraft registration tax
- Recreational vehicle tax
- Trailer registration tax
Total tax percentage paid by the above average US citizen, 2009 - 57.7%*
* source: How much tax do we really pay?