While cruising through Facebook today I found this interesting observation by someone named Lynnette: “When it comes to foolishness, I always expect Republicans to be at the forefront. They choose idiots to run for office, can’t keep their pants zipped, [and] misappropriate money….”
Lynnette chose to post this on the same day that Representative Anthony Weiner (D) admitted to sending lewd photos of his, er, ‘weiner’ to young women through Facebook and Twitter.
Let’s see – choose idiots to run for office?? Any guesses as to who said he had campaigned in all 57 states of the United States? Yep – our Commander-in-Chief, President Barack Obama (D). How about this quote “We need to pass the bill to see what is in it.” Answer, Representative Nancy Pelosi (D). Or this quote “When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on television…..” The was from the genius, Vice President Joe (Xerox) Biden (D). By the way, the stock market crashed in 1929 when Herbert Hoover was President and television was still in an experimental stage. If you are wondering about the ‘xerox’ in Biden’s name that is in honor of his law school years where he was accused and later admitted to plagiarizing a paper; he would later admit to it but said it wasn’t “malevolent.”
Of course Republicans have made factual errors in public but to hear the press, you would think that the Republicans are the only ‘idiots running for office.’
Let’s move briefly to the misappropriation of money. Political appointments for sell in Illinois (Rod Blagojevich – D); congressman fails to report income from rental property (Charles Rangel – D who by the way also chairs the Ways and Means Committee and should know the tax code); and finally congressman with $90,000 in his freezer from a bribery case (William J. Jefferson – D). There are more but you get the picture. And again, Republicans aren’t blameless they are just not alone.
Now let’s get to the fun part – the pants unzipped part! The Kennedy clan is probably a case study all on their own but let’s just look at one member – Ted Kennedy (D). In 1969, Ted Kennedy left a party on Martha’s Vineyard and more specifically, Chappaquiddick Island with a young woman named Mary Jo Kopechne as his passenger. As he drove his Oldsmobile over the bridge, the car left the road surface and plunged into the inlet. Ted Kennedy survived but Ms. Kopechne did not. Kennedy said he tried several times to rescue Ms. Kopechne but failed and finally swam to shore. The next morning he reported the incident but by that time Ms. Kopechne’s body and already been discovered.
In another infamous scandal, the governor of New York, Eliot Spitzer (D), was involved with high-priced prostitutes to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars. Only when his office was investigated for possible bribery was this extra marital activity discovered.
And who could forget President Bill Clinton (D) and his oval office dalliance with Monica Lewinsky? What I found most disturbing about this encounter was that she saved the ‘evidence’ on the dress. Gross…..
Again, Republicans also have lapses in judgment but, trust me, they are not alone.
My own personal take on the ‘pants unzipped’ part of this accusation is, for the most part, the indiscretions should be dealt with only between married partners and NOT drug through the media and, in the case of President Clinton, Congress - as long as public funds, i.e., tax dollars, weren't used in any way. If the missus wants to play the “Stand By Your Man” routine then who am I to say different. (I personally think she looks stupid for doing so but that is just an opinion.)
Bottom line – no one party has the monopoly on stupid, cheating crooks.
~ Patty