It looks like a major comprise has been reached regarding the debt ceiling and the budget. Although it is not a perfect deal by far, it may be something we can live with for now.
Many very Conservatives, especially Tea Party members, are decrying the compromise as a ‘sell-out’ by those Conservatives elected to the House in 2010. However, we must remember that it takes all three elements to get anything passed: the House, the Senate, and the Executive. Only the House is controlled by Republicans (and some of them are RINOs). The Republicans were also up against the media who were slanting the news in such a way that the Republicans were looking like stubborn politicians who only wanted to “give tax breaks to big business and throw grandma off the cliff.”
For anything to move forward there was going to have to be compromise. Tea Party Republicans are being vilified but to take a stand where everyone loses is not in anyone’s best interest. There was no way the Tea Party was going to get EVERYTHING their way but they were able to take significant steps towards getting more control on an out of control government.
Rather than continuing to gripe, moan, and complain about what didn’t happen, it is time for Conservatives to step up and celebrate the small victories. It is also time to start laying the foundation for future elections, especially the rapidly approaching 2012 elections. We need to work hard to maintain control of the House and then tackle the Senate and the Executive. We need more people in the Legislative Branch like Allen West, Marco Rubio, and Rand Paul. We need to work hard to make sure that Barack Obama is a one-term President. Then and only then can we truly make progress to fiscal responsibility.