Many feminists, especially those who went to college in the 1960s and 1970s, like to feel a bit superior to those stay-at-home Moms who chose nurturing their children over a high-powered career.
However, many of the feminists from that era, if they are truly honest, will admit that they went to college primarily for an MRS degree. Sure, many of them finished a real degree and got a diploma but for many the goal was not a piece of paper declaring them graduated but a piece of paper declaring them “taken care of for life” by a successful man.
So those feminist women who got their Bachelor of Fine Arts and considered themselves educated settled in to raise their children – or have the nanny or au pair raise the kids. Sometimes the feminist would do something with that Fine Arts degree so they could “contribute to society.” Maybe she even (self)published a book of poetry she wrote while lounging by the pool at the country club (while the kids were being supervised at Day Camp). Perhaps she would occasionally review a book for the local society column in the newspaper. She was, of course, still a feminist even though someone else was picking up the tab for everything.
Years later the feminist woman gets involved in politics. Looking around for a target, she spies the stay-at-home Mom whose career took a back seat to what she felt was her calling – raising children (maybe even with a twinge of jealously). The woman who chose raising kids over a “real” job is denigrated and dismissed a less of a person because of that choice.
But here lies the hypocrisy – the attacks from feminists towards stay-at-home Moms are only directed to those who hold Conservative values! On the flip side of this coin is the criticism of Moms who decide to mother and also hold down full time jobs but then are only criticized if they are Conservative!
Two examples:
- Ann Romney chose to stay home and raise five children. Recently she has been criticized for “not working a day in her life” by a (female) Democratic strategist. Anyone who has ever raised children knows that it is work.
- A few years ago, some of the same critics attacked Sarah Palin, also mother of five children. The talk then was “How can she be the Governor of Alaska and be a good mother at the same time?”
The bottom line is very obvious: If one is a Conservative, one can do no right; if one is a Liberal, every choice is perfect.
~ patty