Conservative women in the national spotlight seem to be the target of a great deal of hatred from those on the left.
In the 2008 Presidential campaign, John McCain, the Republican nominee, selected Sarah Palin, then Governor of Alaska, to be his running mate. The words were hardly out of McCain’s mouth before the attacks began. Governor Palin was vilified in the press as being stupid, uninformed on national issues, and an airhead. I’m not really sure why other than those attacking must have felt threatened to go after her so viciously. She was misquoted as saying “I can see Russia from my house” (that was a Saturday Night Live skit.) Her intelligence was questioned (she has a Bachelors degree in journalism.) In fact, just about every area of her life was examined, ridiculed, and trashed including her private life.
Let’s just compare her in just a few areas to the man that did become Vice-President, Joe Biden.
As a law student, Biden plagiarized a paper. He admitted to it but said it wasn’t “malevolent,” whatever that means. He isn’t bright and is often caught with his foot in his mouth either with a racist remark (regarding Obama he said "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy" or on another occasion he said "you cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent") or just plain stupid (discussing the stock market crash of 1929 he said “Franklin Roosevelt got on television and didn’t just talk about the princes of greed” – so wrong – Herbert Hoover was President when the stock market crashed and broadcast type TV cameras weren’t around then) and often his remarks are laced with profanities (when the health care bill, ObamaCare, was signed, he was caught, on camera, dropping the F-Bomb with his “this is a big F***ing deal.)
Personally, I think Sarah Palin would have made a much better Vice President.
The current new face of the Conservative Movement is Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota. Ms. Bachmann holds a Juris Doctorate degree specializing in tax law and was a United State Treasury Department attorney. This is not a stupid woman but a quick Google search for either information on Ms. Bachmann or an image will show you that she is starting to attract some of that same hatred we saw directed at Gov. Palin.
So why is it that Conservative women seem to this kind of extreme hate? I firmly believe that first and foremost is because the left is extremely worried and threatened by strong, powerful, and Conservative women.
~ Patty