As a political junkie and also a sports fan, I find it just plain wrong to concentrate criticisms on an opponent rather than concentrating on one’s own strengths.
With Super Bowl XLVI this upcoming weekend and NCAA basketball in full swing, I see a steady stream of tearing apart and trash talking any team other than one’s favorite. How about just cheering for your favorites? It just makes one look so foolish to constantly bad mouth an opponent. It would seem that your favorite team has no talents on which you could brag. Tell us about the amazing arm your quarterback has. Tell us your defensive tackle can take out the best. Tell us about those great shooting guards. Rattle of statistics about three-point and free-throw successes.
The same goes for politicians. Rather than endless ads where opponents are torn apart and thrown to the wolves, why don’t those seeking an elected office just tell us how they plan on fixing things? Rather than digging up dirt and minutia from decades past, how about telling us your background and how that background will make you a great leader? Tell us how you will fix the economy. Tell us your ideas on foreign policy. Tell us how what we must do to start to deal with illegal immigration now and how we will address it in the future. Tell us what your energy policy is – does it include “all the above approach” of drilling, alternate energy, and coal?
Give us your plan for our future.
~ Patty
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