The Tea Party movement began in 2009 as a grassroots effort to give the power back to the people of the United States.
Since those early days of rallies, the Tea Party has grown and many Conservative politicians will seek out a Tea Party endorsement when running for office. The 2010 general elections saw a Freshman class filled with many Tea Party endorsed candidates elected to U.S. Congress and the U.S. Senate; among those in that Freshman class are Senator Rand Paul from Kentucky, Senator Marco Rubio from Florida, and Congressman Allen West also from Florida.
However, if one were to only listen to the Main Stream Media (MSM), one would think those who align themselves with the Tea Party are a bunch of ‘fringe element lunatics.’
Those who would like to see a Federal government more closely resembling the limited government the Founding Fathers had in mind when they drafted the United States Constitution, beg to differ. A recent poll shows registered voters who identify themselves as Tea Party supporters now stands at 22% while registered voters who define themselves as Liberal is a mere 21%.
The MSM, Liberal by nature, would like to continue to mislead the Moderate public. Today we are seeing headlines such as “Tea Party the Cause of the S&P Downgrade.” Rather than face the real problem of America’s debt (over spending), those in the MSM are blaming those folks who pay the taxes for not paying more taxes.
The Tea Party knows the Federal government (and some states) is in an out-of-control death spiral of unsustainable deficits brought on by more and more ‘big’ government programs. Many of those programs (or mandates) are liberty-robbing intrusions into our every day lives. In addition, the government has created thousands of regulations designed to undermine the entrepreneurial spirit from which this great country was born.
So what is the Tea Party? Basically it follows the same guidelines proposed by the Founding Fathers and written in the United States Constitution such as: limited federal government, individual freedoms, personal responsibility, free markets, and returning political power to the states and the people. Oh my, how radical is that?
All this brings to mind a quote from Mahatma Gandhi: “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
Friends, keep up the fight – we are on the way to a victory!
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