Michele Bachmann has formally announced her candidacy for President of the United States. As soon as the announcement had been made (and for some reporters, even before Congresswoman Bachmann's announcement), the attacks were starting. I even saw a post from one blogger who referenced her breasts!
Every slip of the tongue is magnified to make Michele Bachmann look stupid. Good luck with that, reporters. Congresswoman Bachmann is extremely intelligent and will prove each and everyone of those reporters wrong in the long run.
This brings us to the double standard in the media when it comes to women candidates for national office, regardless of the political affiliation.
When Sarah Palin was running for Vice President in 2008, the media attacked her with a viciousness never before seen in the United States. Her folksy manner of speaking was ridiculed. However, Joe Biden's profanity laced asides were just laughed off. Personally I would rather hear a "Golly gee" than the F-bomb that comes from the potty mouth of Vice President Biden.
Also in 2008 Hilary Clinton was running for the Democratic nomination for President. We heard constant attacks on her laugh, her attire (she of the pant suits - nothing wrong with that, really), and her thick ankles as ankles would have any bearing on her ability to lead. Although I would probably not agree with even a fraction of the issues with Ms. Clinton, how she looks and how she dresses should NEVER have been a topic for discussion.
In 1984, Geraldine Ferraro became the first woman to run for Vice President of the United States from either the Democratic or Republican parties. Perhaps we were more civil 27 years ago but I don't recall Ms. Ferraro being attacked like today's modern women. What is the difference? Perhaps it is because there are more news outlets and every one of them is vying for market share and feel the need to some how stand out. Here's an idea - how about we reward those reporters who take the high road and discuss qualifications and not personal attributes!
~ Patty
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