The field of prospective candidates who are seeking the Republican nomination to challenge Barrack Obama is growing. Just yesterday Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House, announced his intention to run. Mitt Romney, former governor of Massachusetts, has also formally announced his candidacy.
There are others who are in the mix, so to speak, but have yet to make a formal announcement. They include Herman Cain (who will make an announcement concerning his candidacy on May 21), businessman and former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza; Ron Paul, Congressman from Texas; Gary Johnson, former governor of New Mexico; Tim Pawlenty, former governor of Minnesota; Rick Santorum, former Senator from Pennsylvania; Mitch Daniels, current governor of Indiana (term expires in 2012); Michele Bachmann, current Congresswoman from Minnesota; and probably about that many more who are still in the “thinking stages of a decision.”
The field is good and strong. Many of these great potential candidates would make a wonderful President. What we don’t need is for any of them to start attacking fellow Republicans.
If a candidate wants to stand out from the crowd, give us the reasons you believe you are the best and not reasons someone else shouldn’t be the nominee for the Republican Party. Attacks on fellow Republicans can backfire and be used against Republicans in the general election. By the way, this rule of thumb is also valid in state and local races. Don’t attack those with which you have the most in common.
The bottom line is it would be difficult to find ANY Republican who would do more harm to this great nation than our current President. Let’s all hope we choose wisely and elect a strong candidate who can put an end to the Socialistic agenda of the Obama Administration.
~ Patty
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