House Republicans have been vilified in the media as cold, heartless politicians who want to starve babies and throw grandma off the cliff. Representative Paul Ryan gets most of the attention because it is his budget proposals that actually suggest the United States TRY to live within its means.
It is no news that the United States has been hit hard this spring with tornadoes and floods. Complete towns have been decimated and people are hurting. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) maintains a Disaster Relief Fund to help communities. However, extreme weather anomalies have begun to deplete the $2.4 billion fund.
Many articles are spreading like wildfire on the internet that the "Republicans are not going to let FEMA have more money." Perhaps the rumors started because most Republicans would like to see a balanced budget and are looking for ways to do so.
Nothing could be further from the truth. The truth is Republicans are trying to actually DOUBLE the FEMA fund in light of this year's disasters. While a balanced budget is still a priority for the Republicans, the health and safety of the citizens of the United States is important to them.
Sometimes you just need to look beyond the media bias to seek out the real truth.
~ Patty
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