I don’t know about you but I am very tired of being lectured to by Liberals.
They tell us to “reduce our carbon footprint” as they fly around the country in their private jets. They would be a little easier to listen to if they reduced THEIR carbon footprint and lived in small houses, grew their own vegetables, or allowed wind farms in their neighborhoods.
They tell us to “share the wealth” as they parade around in designer outfits with million dollar jewelry and accessories. I might believe they want to share THEIR wealth if they invited the homeless to live with their families, opened a soup kitchen in their garage, or donated half their wealth to charity.
They tell us we need to “stand up for the working class” while their own domestic help works long hours for less than minimum wages. If they had ever done any manual labor on their own, this would not seem so hypocritical. Just guessing but probably not many politicians, movie stars, or sports heroes even clean their own toilets.
They tell us we need to “practice civility” as they scream epitaphs at anyone who would dare disagree with their own narrow view of the world.
They tell us to “be accepting and tolerant” of all cultures and beliefs as they deride and make fun of Christianity, the Tea Party, and Conservative Women.
They call us “racist” for daring to disagree with any Liberal who is black yet they themselves will call a black Conservative every nasty name in the book.
They demand “neutrality” in the news but rarely are Conservatives viewed in a positive manner in the media.
They cry “foul” when a Conservative governor tries to balance a state’s budget with tough tactics yet they manage to cram ObamaCare down our throats with back door deals that would make the late Mayor Richard Daley of Chicago look transparent.
And the really sad part of all of this and more is that the Liberals will continue with all this because they can’t see past their own wants – regardless if it is what the majority wants.
~ Patty
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