As a woman who went to college in the late 1960s and early 70s, I am no stranger to the Women’s Rights movement. While Conservative even in college, I did recognize the fact that women in the United States were capable citizens who could probably excel at most occupations (including President of the United States) . I also joked that I didn’t need to be equal – I was happy being better!
As David and I were raising our five daughters and one son, we held to the notion that all kids were equal; there were no ‘boy’ chores or ‘girl’ chores. David took time to teach all the basics of home repair and I taught all to cook.
Today women, especially here in the United States, have achieved much. Gone are the days when women went to college to either become a teacher or a nurse or simply get her MRS degree (for you youngsters – that meant she went not to get an education but to snag a husband).
Now our nation is faced with an increasing encroachment of Sharia Law in our country. Sharia Law is the guide practiced by Muslims and based on Islam. It addresses everything from religious practices to financial transactions to interactions between Muslims and non-Muslims. Sharia Law, strictly practiced, allows for and even advocates punishment, including death, for disobedience.
One of the most grievous sins, according to Sharia Law, is unlawful sexual intercourse. This can be interpreted many ways and can even be simply a woman talking to a man she is not related to. Punishment is severe and can take the form of public caning or even “honor killing.”
Other Sharia Law affronts to feminism include female genital mutilation, polygamy, little girls given in marriage, divorce laws where women have no rights, and also property laws where women have no rights.
One might assume that such laws will never become a problem in the United States. That would be a dangerous assumption. Just recently a Florida judge defended his decision to apply Islamic law instead of state and federal statues in determining an arbitration award.
We, as a nation and as women, must fight this trend. We don’t need “multiculturalism;” we need some good old-fashioned commonsense. Most feminists will tell you the Liberals will fight for women’s rights but in reality, the Liberals will first fight for this stupid idea of “multiculturalism.”
Wake up, women. Read the news. Sharia Law has undermined the position of women in Western Europe and it is on its way here.
~ Patty
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