Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Obamacare fight in the Senate

Most of us have absolutely no love for Obamacare but.... This 'fight' currently center stage in the Senate is a huge distraction that, regardless of the outcome, will play right into the hands of the Obama administration. 

If Obamacare is defunded (and it won't be because the Democrats control the Senate) then Obama will just veto the budget and say the Republicans caused the government to shut down and deny Granny her Social Security check.

When the Republicans are blamed then the Republicans (and also the Tea Party) will lose any gains made in the House and will have no chance on making gains and will probably lose ground in the Senate.

KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE LONG TERM! Elect more conservatives in 2014 and 2016 or kiss this country good-bye even sooner.

Another misconception: Obamacare is ALREADY funded just like Medicare is already funded. Simply saying, "we are going to defund Obamacare" does not actually defund Obamacare. The ONLY way to get rid of this monstrosity is to repeal it. As long as it is a law, it is funded; that is the way the law was written.

We need to vote into office (or keep in office) conservative lawmakers in 2014 and 2016. We need to elect a conservative president in 2016.

Causing a government shutdown in 2013 is a sure way to lose ground in 2014 and lose any chance at having a Republican back in the White House in 2017.

The best way to stop Obamacare is for Congress to vote for a delay in the individual mandate. Obama signed a delay for the employer mandate; why not just delay the individual mandate?

When conservatives finally control the House, Senate, and White House, then this ugly law can be repealed.

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