Saturday, September 11, 2010

Twas the night before elections

 Apologies to W. Clement Moore

The Night Before Elections
            By the Party of NO!

Twas the night before elections, and all through the town,
 Tempers were flaring, emotions were all up and down!
 I, in my bathrobe, with a cat purring in my lap,
 I’d turned off the TV, tired of the political rap.

 When all of a sudden, I heard such a noise,
 I peered out my window, saw Obama and his boys.
 They had come for my wallet; they wanted my pay,
 To give to the others, who had never worked a day!

 He snatched up all my money, and as quick as a wink,
 Jumped back on his bandwagon, while I barfed in the sink...
 He then rallied his henchmen, who were pulling his cart;
 I could tell they were working hard, to tear our country apart!

 'On Fannie, on Freddie, on Biden and Ayers,
 On Acorn, On Pelosi', he screamed at the pairs!
 They took off for his cause, and as he flew out of sight,
 He was laughing at a nation, who wouldn't stand up and fight!

So if you’ve heard enough speeches, seen all the charismatic stars,
It’s time to show Obama the door, and kick out those Russian Czars.
So I leave you to think, on this one final note:  IF YOU DONT WANT SOCIALISM, GET OUT AND VOTE!!!!

More news on our Impostor-in-Chief

Big surprise !!!

Former Constitutional Law Lecturer and US President Makes Up Constitutional Quotes During State Of The Union (SOTU) Address.

Consider this:

  President Barack Obama, former editor of the Harvard Law Review, is no longer a “lawyer”.   He surrendered his license back in 2008 in order to escape charges he lied on his bar application.   

A “Voluntary Surrender” is not something where you decide “Gee, a license is not really something I need anymore, is it?” and forget to renew your license.   No, a “Voluntary Surrender” is something you do when you’ve been accused of something, and you ‘voluntarily surrender” you license five seconds before the state suspends you.

Michelle Obama “voluntarily surrendered” her law license in 1993.

3.   So, we have the first black President and 
First Lady — who don’t actually have licenses to practice law. Facts. 

4.   A senior lecturer is one thing...  A fully ranked law professor is another.   Barack Obama was NOT a Constitutional Law professor at the University of Chicago

5.   The University of Chicago released a statement in March, 2008 saying 
Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) “served as a professor” in the law school—but that is a title Obama, who taught courses there part-time, never held, a spokesman for the school confirmed in 2008.

6.   “He did not hold the title of professor of law,” said Marsha Ferziger Nagorsky, an Assistant Dean for Communications and Lecturer in Law at the 
University of Chicago School of Law .

Source:  ;

7.   The former Constitutional senior lecturer cited the 
US Constitution the other night during his State of the Union Address. Unfortunately, the quote he cited was from the Declaration of Independence … not the Constitution.

8.   The Broadcast posted the video:

Free Republic:  In the State of the Union Address, President Obama said: “We find unity in our incredible diversity, drawing on the promise enshrined in our Constitution: the notion that we are all created equal….

10.  Um, wrong citing, wrong founding document there Champ, I mean Mr. President.   By the way, the promises are not a notion, our founders named them 
unalienable rights.  The document is our Declaration of Independence and it reads:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

11.  And this is the same guy who lectured the Supreme Court moments later in the same speech???

When you are a phoney it's hard to keep facts straight. Par for the course.

Immigration Hypocrisy...Part 1

The owner of the Phoenix Suns basketball team, Robert Sarver, opposes AZ's new immigration laws. 

Arizona's Governor, Jan Brewer, released the following statement in response to Sarver's criticism of the new law:     
"What if the owners of the Suns discovered that hordes of people were sneaking into games without paying?

What if they had a good idea who the gate-crashers are, but the ushers and security personnel were not allowed to ask these folks to produce their ticket stubs, thus non-paying attendees couldn't be ejected.

Furthermore, what if Suns' ownership was expected to provide those who sneaked in with complimentary eats and drink?

And what if, on those days when a gate-crasher became ill or injured, the Suns had to provide free medical care and shelter?"

-Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer

David's Aside:

I am always amazed how the liberal left is so anxious to tell us what we should do and think, but it does not apply to them! All are equal but some are more equal than others!  (George Orwell was right).

Friday, September 10, 2010

Christianity under attack

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”  
The full text of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America or as our founding fathers called those first Ten Amendments – the Bill of Rights.

Many have used the language in the first amendment to limit public displays of Christian symbols.   

One of the signs at the Grand Canyon
with a verse from Psalms
 "Oh Lord how manifold are thy works!"

A Christmas tree on a New England town’s square can no longer be erected (and to be fair many small towns would have a Menorah also on display).  A cross on a flag of a city founded by priests comes under attack.  Signage glorifying God and His beautiful creations can’t be displayed in our national parks.  Not one of these examples forces anyone to bow down and worship God. 

There are those who use this first amendment to force society to bend over backwards to accommodate people of other religions.  The fastest growing minority religion in the United States is Islam.  With increasing number of Muslims come an increased demand for schools and businesses to allow for daily prayers and ritualistic cleansing.

This is not an argument against Islam but rather an argument for allowing those who would like to practice Christianity equality.  If it is okay for a school district to offer an empty classroom for Muslim students to pray then it must also offer all students of all religions similar access to school facilities.

As a child I remember a Thanksgiving when our school had a full blown Thanksgiving meal.  Students were encouraged (not required) to invite guests from church.  I invited my minister and a Catholic friend invited her priest.  Can you see something like that ever happening in a public school now?  


Thursday, September 9, 2010

No Elite Privileges extended to Congress

Here is a solid idea whose time has come...way too many of our congressional elite think they are above the ones who pay their salaries
...The Time Has Indeed Come!

Governors of 35 states have already filed suit against the Federal Government for imposing unlawful burdens upon them.  It only takes 38 (of the 50) States to convene a Constitutional Convention.
This will take less than thirty seconds to read. If you agree, please pass it on. 
An idea whose time has come!
For too long we have been too complacent about the workings of Congress.  Many citizens had no idea that members of Congress could retire with the same pay after only one term, that they specifically exempted themselves from many of the laws they have passed (such as being exempt from any fear of prosecution for  sexual harassment) while ordinary citizens must live under those laws. The latest was to exempt themselves from the Healthcare Reform ... in all of its forms. Somehow, that doesn't seem logical. We do not have an elite that is above the law.
I truly don't care if they are Democrat, Republican, Independent or whatever. The self-serving must stop.
A Constitutional Convention - this is a good way to do that. It is an idea whose time has come.  And, with the advent of modern communication, the process can be moved along with incredible speed.  There is talk out there that the "government" doesn't care what the people think.  That is irrelevant.  It is incumbent on the population to address elected officials to the wrongs afflicted against the and me.  Think about this...
The 26th amendment (granting the right to vote for 18 year-olds) took only 3 months & 8 days to be ratified!  Why?  Simple!  The people demanded it.  That was in 1971...before computers, before e-mail, before cell phones, etc.
Of the 27 amendments to the Constitution, seven (7) took 1 year or less to become the law of the land...all because of public pressure.
I'm asking each addressee to forward this Email to a minimum of twenty people on their Address list; in turn ask each of those to do likewise.
In three days, most people in The United States of America will have the message. This is one proposal that  really should be passed around.
Proposed 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution:

"Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States ."

Speak up, speak out and lets make this happen.

Thanks to a friend who summarized this very well.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Government Explained...the clearest ever

This is one of the best civics lessons I have ever seen.  High School and College never made the issues this clear.

Thanks to a friend who shared.

Please, please watch this and get your kids to really see and understand.


Three easy steps to becoming the career politicians’ worst nightmare

1.       Register to vote.  There are many ways to register and it is easy.  Contact your state’s Secretary of State for the form.  Many community organizations will also have forms.  Then mail or return the form on time, usually a month out from the next election.  You will also need to re-register if you have moved since last registering.

2.       Learn what you can about the candidates.  Attend rallies and talk to the candidates one-on-one.  If a politician is seeking re-election, look up their voting record.  Did they vote in your best interest?  Or did they go along with the status quo just to get along?  Do they keep their promises to their constituents? We need our elected officials to look out for us.  That is why we are sending them to Washington, the State House, or our own local courthouse.

3.       Vote.  With your new found wealth of information you can choose that person who will best represent you.  Your vote does count – in every election!  There have been many close elections across the country in years past where just a handful of ballots (or fewer) in precincts determined the outcome who will govern.

A final thought: don’t be hung up on labels.  Just because your family “has always been [fill in the blank with the name of your favorite political party]” doesn’t mean that party best represents you now.  Ask yourself what your values are and who best will represent you and your values, regardless of the political label.


Monday, September 6, 2010

A Timeless Message from the Duke

Some things are timeless..from the Duke

This essay short voice over is over 35 years old…sent by a friend…still makes me tear up.  What would the Duke think of the state we are in today?  I would be ashamed to tell him…

Oh, our American hating leftist friends will say it is trite and cornball …but I think is as true now as ever …we have let our focus waver.  Time to get back on track and focus on the real America.

Not PC..who cares? ..where in the Constitution does it say you will never be offended.? up..get a grip and see America as it is supposed to be…for the people, not as government allows.

Corruption at Work

Our corrupt government strikes again!!
This courtesy of TEA Party Nation:
If anyone doubts the priorities of the Obama regime, the story of Paul Copeland is a cautionary tale and one that should strike fear into every law abiding American.
Copeland, a 56 year old Texan and Vietnam vet, bought and sold firearms as a hobby.  All of this changed for him on January 16.  While at a firearms show, Copeland sold Leonel Huerta, Sr. a firearm.  Huerta spoke English during the transaction and even presented a valid Texas driver's license for identification.   Copeland was immediately arrested by federal agents.
At trial, Huerta admitted he was in the country illegally and apparently was still in the country illegally at the time of trial.
It is ironic that even the police officers present at the show were not allowed to ask Huerta his immigration status, yet this man was supposed to know a man who spoke English and had a valid driver's license was an illegal.
Copeland was convicted at trial and now faces a prison sentence.  What is wrong with this picture?
The Obama regime continues to make war on the American people.  We cannot change the regime for another two years.  But, in two months, we can change congress.  Now is the time to dig deep and make this happen.  Volunteer for campaigns.  Contribute to your local campaign or local Tea Party Group.
As always, we are discussing this on Tea Party Nation.
David’s aside:  Isn’t it funny they have time to jump on this when the thousands of illegals pouring in are routinely ignored? They cite no manpower or budget ….?
It does not take a genius to see the slant on this…time to end this government by any legal means. Every Federal official takes an oath to protect and defend from enemies foreign and domestic…it’s a sad state of affairs when this is allowed to continue.
Remember in November !

Gun Rights Thoughts from a confirmed Can Killer

We are always seeing and hearing on the MSM (Main Stream Media) about how gun owners are freaks and dangerous. 

I have used and handled guns since I was 8 years old...let’s see my tally so far:
E People shot:  0
E Tins cans shot:  Innumerable
E Pleasure derived:  priceless

I can state definitely that my guns have killed or injured way less people that the average bureaucrat’s actions (think Chappaquiddick incident).

Guns are no more than a tool….evil people use tools as well as good people.

Criminals by the very definition will obtain guns somehow.  Decent citizens will suffer if the left wingers have their way.  Some hypocrisy comes to mind…Mayor Daley of Chicago fame  abhors guns, so much that he does everything in his power to keep them away ...of course, he and his family are protected around the clock by paid body guards carrying…..shudder…GUNS!  So to add insult to injury, the average Chicagoan should not have guns but they should gladly pay for Mr. Daley’s protection by same.  Some things just make you go…huh??!!!!


David's Thoughts

This is my first time blogging, and I will probably not be the most polished writer or the smoothest, but I can tell you that I love this country, what it stands for, what it has done and what it can do.  As our blog states, I am probably right of center….but I will always listen to the spectrum of ideas.

What’s right with this country??  A lot.  What’s wrong?  A lot.  We each need to step up and do our part to help the United States.  We have so much at stake; we each stand to lose our most cherished freedom.  The US is not perfect, but by far it is the most desirable place to live ever seen on the face of the earth to date.

How can you help?  Take Baby steps….educate yourself about your local representatives and senators on the state and federal level.  The self serving need to be booted and the true blue need to be confirmed and supported.

Get involved in local races. Talk to the candidates.  I think the TEA party makes us think of the real plan for the US…government is not your benefactor or God.  Government is an artificial device men use to promote harmony and do good for the most.

Some of my personal gripes:
  • Welfare for immigrants.  How did we, as a country in financial peril, get to the stupid tipping point of supplying welfare for illegals?  Illegal is just that…most of us cannot decide what laws we will break and what laws we will follow with impunity.  I sure would like to skip paying taxes…do you think the IRS will decline to do its job like the INS has? 
  • Foreign Aid.  What bureaucrat thinks we need to support the terrorists that are murdering Americans each day?  Another case of no thought.. just collect the check.  The outright theft, graft and corrupting that this engenders staggers the mind.

See you on the road.


We believe, like our Founding Fathers, that the United States is the greatest place on Earth.

In recent decades we have seen a decline in the quality of life for hard-working, God fearing people.  In its place a system that rewards laziness, political machines, and those who would take away the rights of citizens that were guaranteed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

We, David and Patty, will offer our personal insights and perhaps inspire others to become active in the process of reclaiming the country from career politicians only interested in bettering themselves.

We will both be posting articles and welcome comments.

Thanks for reading and if you want to be notified of recent postings or comments, there is a subscribe button on the right.