Saturday, September 8, 2012

A total opposite of the Moochele ilk ...refreshing ..the Romneys

This is an open letter from the folks who bought the Romney's house in Utah...

As, you may know we own Mitt Romney's former Park City, Utah home. Corinne and I have written a non-political-issue story that you very likely have not heard. We did this because many Democratic, Republican and Independent voters strongly recommended and found it valuable. Private details, how he acted out of public view and when not running for office. We are messengers delivering facts not initially his supporters nor anti-Obama. Mitt Romney is very different from the man that many Americans have been led to believe.

Regardless of who any of us are supporting in the presidential election, we all are better served by knowing the truth as this does influence who we support. It was not approved by Mitt Romney or his campaign.
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Ours is a factual story that provides a rare glimpse and insight into the real Mitt Romney. Does he really relate to the average American? As President, would he impose his beliefs on others? Is he really Christian?
When you buy a home and its contents from someone you really learn a lot about their true character, values and beliefs. And rarely does anyone have the opportunity to learn how a politician acts out of the public's view and when they are not running for office. Well, this actually happened. When? Only a few years ago, in spring of 2009 when we bought Mitt Romney's Park City, Utah, home. His family lived in this home for about ten years. Because our deal included most of the contents, we gained a unique and unusual perspective of him and his family of which most Americans are completely unaware. What we experienced was not what we expected--not the stereotypical actions of a millionaire and more importantly not the image most Americans have of Mitt Romney.

When most of us buy a home, the real estate agent or seller hands over the keys at closing and then as buyers, we are on our own. Not this time. We met Mitt Romney by himself at the house. He spent as much time as we needed showing us around, answering our questions and explaining how to use and service the home's equipment. And when he was done, he gave us his direct contact information should we have problems.

To move, if we can afford the cost, most of us would hire movers with a team of workers. To save money, many of us are the do-it-our-selves types. Which did Mitt Romney do? Like many of us, on his own he rented a six-wheel truck and moved himself. He drove to the local Home Depot and purchased wood to build whatever he needed for the transport. Mitt moved his family's clothes, his family's photos, his family's mementos, his grandchildren's toys. With the help of a friend and family, they loaded the truck. Then, after answering all our questions, Mitt Romney said his goodbyes, climbed into the truck, and began the long drive to his new home by himself.

The Romney Park City home, which they designed and built, and its contents had much to say. Having raised a family of our own, we saw that the home was built with a focus on his family. No swimming pool, tennis court or movie theater. There are no maid, butler, or nanny quarters. Clearly Ann and Mitt raised their kids. No gold faucets, no fancy silverware. The kitchen was simple and typical of an average three-bedroom home, very much like those in which we were raised. We were struck by the discovery that most of the art, furniture, and all the curtains were made in America and many by local craftsmen. Most of the linens were of good quality but not what is found at very high end, exclusive stores. The master bedroom pillows had tags from the average American’s most popular discount store.

In the most honored place in the master bedroom hung a painting of Jesus Christ. Most Americans know little about Mormonism and we didn't either. Mitt Romney clearly had a home of faith and family just like the rest of us.

One of the most interesting questions many have asked is, "As president will he impose his beliefs on others?" Many claim that a President Romney would take away rights and impose his beliefs on all Americans. The Romney home contents gave us insight into this question. One of the strongest Mormon beliefs is the prohibition against drinking alcohol. We were surprised to find a small supply which we were told was available for guests, not for the family. Mitt Romney had a respect for his guest's wishes. By not imposing his beliefs on others even within his own home, then clearly a President Romney would not take away rights and impose his beliefs on all Americans. Those making such accusations should stop. The facts do not support their claims.

It is amazing what can be learned about someone from observing the smallest details. In the Romney's family mud room where the boots and outdoor clothing were stored, we found the Governor's ski gloves. One of his son's apologized for his dad's lack of concern about his appearance when Mitt went skiing because the gloves would surely be noticed. They were worn out and had holes in the fingers. Mitt had gone to the garage tool box and wrapped them with duct tape. Thrifty? Yes, and the repair provided an immediate practical solution rather than traveling to the store to buy a new pair. His indifference to appearance demonstrated his confidence, true character and priorities. Good qualities but easily misunderstood because they are quite different from those displayed by many famous people and certainly politicians, who highly protect and prize their appearance.

As you have read, our story is not about a wealthy man's nice home or its beautiful contents. It is about the story they tell and how our experiences with him showed the real Mitt Romney. How his family truly lived is a real indication of their values and beliefs. There is more we could tell, but hope we have provided enough facts to answer some key questions on many voters' minds. Mitt Romney is very different from the man that many of us have been led to believe. Clearly he is more like most Americans than not. We learned many things about Mitt Romney that contradicted what we have been told. He is not aloof or out of touch. He is a man of faith, family and American values. A guy who is well-grounded. It is not beneath him to roll up his shirt-sleeves and get the job done. The fact that he has allowed this to be kept so very private is a true testament to his character and shows how different he is from many other politicians.

Who are we and why are we speaking out? Growing up in Florida and Pennsylvania, we knew little to nothing of Utah, Mitt Romney, his family or values, beliefs, religion and his capabilities. We were amazed by what we learned. We want nothing more than for our fellow citizens to know what we know. We are not part of any campaign, not Mormon nor religious activists. We have voted for Democrats and Republicans and were not Governor Romney supporters. Hal is a farmer, race car driver and retired after creating a number of successful businesses. Corinne is a retired government employee. We do not come from wealthy families. Our parents worked average jobs. Our fathers were a mailman and an engineer. Our mothers were a nurse and a housewife. We struggled, worked hard and are grateful for having been rewarded over the years. We have never given up on achieving the American dream. But the story we tell is not about us.

As Americans, we depend on our press to provide us with factual and unbiased information. We hear politicians sometimes misspeak and others take their statements out of context. Many times it is hard to tell what is fact and what is fiction. Over the past few months, we have noticed how different from reality some of the public perceptions and media presentations of Governor Romney are. Unfortunately, some political opponents spread false information and misconceptions. This is wrong.

This injustice and the value of our story has led us to speak up and provide these facts. No one can say with absolute certainty what kinds of decisions a president will make while still a candidate for that office. To predict, we only have access to their words, history and if available the most useful facts of all, how they acted out of public view and when they are not running for office. This is why our story is so important, valuable and must be told. No doubt some will want to dismiss our story, argue that it is not newsworthy nor relevant and possibly subject us to an undesired spot light. However, we hope the American people are given the opportunity to hear the truth, especially when the facts directly contradict what many people think to be true.
Corinne & Hal Prewitt

We are being taken for a ride.....and paying for it too!

Moochele Obama...she is having the time of her life on your dime!!!

"In my own life in my own small way, I have tried to  give back to this
country that has given me so much,"
she said. "See, that'swhy I left a job at a big law firm for a career in
public service,"...Michelle Obama

Tonight, when you are listening to Michelle Obama tell how she and Barrack
are just like you, think
about, "How much did your snack cost today, or did you even havetime for a
snack today?  Is she really just like you???????

Total Personal Staff  members for other first ladies paid by taxpayers:

Mamie Eisenhower:   One-- paid for personally out of President's salary.
Jackie  Kennedy:       One
  Rosaline  Carter:        One
Barbara  Bush:           One
Hilary Clinton:            Three
Laura Bush:                One
Michele Obama:         Twenty-two

How things have changed!  If you're one of the  tens of millions of
Americans facing certain destitution, earning less  than subsistence wages stocking the  shelves at Wal-Mart or serving up McDonald cheeseburgers, prepare to  scream and then come to realize that the  benefit package for these servants of Ms Michelle are the same as members of the national  security and defense departments and the bill  for these assorted lackeys is paid by YOU, John Q. Public:

Michele Obama's personal staff:

1.    $172,200 - Sher, Susan (Chief Of  Staff)
2.    $140,000 - Frye, Jocelyn C.  (Deputy Assistant to the President and
Director of        Policy And Projects  For The First Lady)
3.    $113,000 -  Rogers, Desiree G. (Special Assistant to the President and
White House        Social Secretary for Mrs. Obama)
4.    $102,000 - Johnston, Camille Y. (Special Assistant to  the President
and Director of        Communications for the First Lady)
5.    $100,000 - Winter, Melissa (Special Assistant to the President and
Deputy Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
6.    $  90,000 - Medina , David S.  (Deputy Chief Of  Staff to the First
7.    $  84,000 - Lilyveld, Catherine M. (Director and  Press Secretary to
the First Lady)
8.    $  75,000 - Starkey, Frances M. (Director of  Scheduling and Advance
for the First Lady)
9.    $  70,000 - Sanders, Trooper (Deputy Director of  Policy and Project
for the First Lady)
10.  $   65,000 - Burnough, Erinn (Deputy Director and Deputy Social
11.  $  64,000 - Reinstein, Joseph  B.(Deputy Director and Deputy Social
12.  $  62,000 - Goodman,  Jennifer R. (Deputy Director of Scheduling and
Events Coordinator For The First Lady)
13.  $  60,000  Fitz, Alan O.(Deputy  Director of Adance and Trip Director
for the First Lady)
14.  $  57,500 - Lewis, Dana M. (Special Assistant and  Personal Aide to the
First Lady)
15.  $   52,500 - Mustaphi, Semonti M. (Associate Director and Deputy Press
Secretary To The First Lady)
16.  $  50,000 -  Jarvis, Kristen E. (Special Assistant for Scheduling and
Traveling Aide  To The First Lady)
17.  $  45,000 -  Lechtenberg, Tyler A. (Associate Director of
Correspondence For The  First Lady)
18.  $  43,000 - Tubman, Samantha  (Deputy Associate Director, Social
19.  $   40,000 - Boswell, Joseph J. (Executive Assistant to the Chief Of
Staff to the First Lady)
20.  $  36,000 -  Armbruster, Sally M. (Staff Assistant to the Social
21.  $  35,000 - Bookey, Natalie (Staff Assistant)
22.  $  35,000 - Jackson, Deilia A. (Deputy Associate Director of
Correspondence for the First Lady)

Total  $1,591,200 in annual salaries

There has NEVER  been anyone in the White House at any time who has created
such an army of staffers whose sole duties are the facilitation of the First  Lady's
social life. One wonders why she needs so much help, at taxpayer  expense.

Note: This does not include makeup artist Ingrid  Grimes-Miles, 49, and
"First Hairstylist" Johnny Wright, 31, both of  whom traveled aboard Air Force One to Europe ...