Friday, November 4, 2011

More attacks on Herman Cain

The news this week has been full of stories about an alleged sexual harassment by Herman Cain towards a female employee of the National Restaurant Association (NRA) during the time Cain was the head of the group. I say alleged because as of yet no woman has come forward and has been willing to step out in front of the cameras to substantiate the allegations. Meanwhile Cain has had a microphone shoved in his face continuously since the first whisper of this incident.

The NRA released a statement today that said, in part, that a woman had accused Herman Cain of harassment, a charge Cain denied. The NRA statement further stated that the association and the woman entered into an agreement, an agreement Cain was not a party to. There was also a confidentiality clause in the agreement and the NRA has agreed to waive its privacy in this matter but the accuser’s lawyer says the woman does not want to waive her rights to privacy.

In the meantime, Herman Cain, who never admitted to any wrong doing and who was not a party to the settlement between his accuser and his employer, must defend himself in the media. He has repeatedly denied harassing any employee but the media will not let it rest. What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Apparently that doesn’t apply when the media is running with rumors.

One more bit of rant here is the obvious bias when it comes to media coverage of politicians. When Bill Clinton had NUMEROUS allegations of sexual improprieties (many of which were later proven to absolutely true), the media decided it “wasn’t news worthy.” So why are allegations against the front runner in the GOP race to replace Barack Obama news worthy?

There may be two answers to that question.

First, Herman Cain scares many Democrats because he can appeal to a section of the population that has historically always voted for Democrats: blacks and women.

Second, a reason I heard today is that the Republican Party is the party of family values. When it appears a Republican has done something along the lines of sexual harassment or cheated on a spouse, it is news. My question on this argument is “so therefore can we assume the Democratic Party is the non-family values party?”

Now it is time to quote Mahatma Gandhi again: “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

GO, Herman, GO!

Oh, one more thing, those who like Herman are coming to his defense big time. This past week has been his biggest fundraising week ever.

~ Patty

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