Monday, July 4, 2011

There is no perfect candidate

Recently a conservative friend asked me “Why do Conservatives eat their own?” What he meant by that was that we tend to attack someone who might not share every point of view as our own.

Here is a big shocker for all to consider: There is no perfect candidate!

The race to replace Barack Obama as President of the United States has attracted quite the long list of Republican candidates. Each is developing a platform and each has agendas and ideas they would hope to implement if elected President.

Each has baggage as well.

What we don’t need is personal attacks on any of these potential candidates so early in the election season. The Democrats will attack and attack with a vengeance in due time. Republicans need to maintain a high ground amongst other Republicans. Recent televised debates were a welcome change from past attacks and praise for fellow Republicans was heard loudly and consistently from all participants. The media really didn’t like that. One moderator tried to provoke but to no avail. Kudos to the debate participants for this!

The other part of not having the perfect candidate comes during the actual general election. One way to assure that this current administration is awarded a second term it to pout and not vote simply because the Republican nominee “isn’t conservative enough” or “is too conservative” or “black” or “a woman” or whatever other stupid reason. Sometimes both candidates ‘stink’ and you just have to hold your nose and vote for the one who smells the least offense.

There were many, many Republicans who stayed home and didn’t vote in 2008 because they had issues with the McCain/Palin ticket. How did that work out?

~ Patty

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